My 100%

November 15, 2013

I read somewhere once that you should always give 100% everyday to whatever it is you’re doing.  But the kicker, is that what is your 100% one day may be nowhere near your 100% the next day.

That, I have found – is so so true.

The good news is that my trip to the dentist was remarkably uneventful – I say remarkably, because the level of sensitivity and pain in my teeth was enough to have me double over at different points in the day.  If you know me, you know my tolerance for dental pain is also pretty dang high.  I’m not being a hero, rather the opposite.  I hate going to the dentist, so I have adapted to tolerate almost any level of pain in order to avoid it.  Case in point:  I let an abscessed tooth go for over at least a year – and I’m willing to bet longer than that.  So I put on my brave face and called up the dentist.  Turns out – the pain wasn’t an abscessed tooth, but in all probability a nasty sinus infection that I’d been fighting off for a few weeks now, that suddenly decided it wanted to be BFFs with the nerves running to my teeth.  Thanks for that.

So – while the dentist was thankfully uneventful (I did stay for my cleaning though! Gotta be better about these things.), i’m still left fighting off this sinus infection that isn’t symptomatic enough to warrant antibiotics, but pesky enough to make this blast of cold weather we’re having one of the most painful to date.  I try to keep my medication overload to a minimum, choosing instead to fight unhealthy with healthy.  But my efforts have certainly been a bit subpar to my normal standards.

So this week, my 100% looked like significantly lower intensity workouts and zero traditional cardio (the movement set my teeth throbbing).    I lifted far less weight than I normally would aim for.  But I worked out.   And I attempted to have nutritious and healthy balanced meals each night.  Sometimes, my 100% was a bowl of soup, but soup with greens and protein.  Sometimes, like last night, my 100% looked like a heaping bowl of pasta, a beer and NO workouts.  Turns out, I’d been blaming a lack of motivation and will power when it was probably my body saying “‘scuse me, but you’re sick, yo”, ok and maybe a little bit of lack of will power 🙂

Yes, I probably could have pushed a little more this week, but in the end – I would’ve been even more miserable than I already was.  I am proud that I got in my workouts and plan to keep on getting them in.  I’m ok that I have to modify them right now, because its not the end all be all of workouts and it feels better to do something than nothing.  And eventually, when I’m feeling better, the workouts will ramp back up.  But for now, this girl just wants to sleep! Its reassuring and kind of cool to be able to acknowledge a mental progression of sorts.  A year ago, I would’ve been so angry with myself for not putting in a full workout I had planned.    Growing up is cool.

Happy weekending y’all!



Decisions Decisions…

August 23, 2013

Another week, another Friday.

First of all – can we just for a moment, contemplate how awesome I have to be to grow a cucumber shaped like this?


I’m going to say this is not a weird cucumber, its a rustic cucumber.  Uh huh.

I snuck in another good and sweaty workout last night and I am looking forward to relaxing a bit this weekend –I have big plans to see and spoil my favorite 2 year old girl, have coffee with my old college roommate, a local small town baseball game (Go Barnstormers!) and maybe fit in a bike ride or nice easy outside run somewhere in there.

But first and foremost I get to enjoy my Friday night.  Ever since really sticking to my water weekdays plan, I’ve gotten a lot more picky about what I choose to drink come the weekend.  Sometimes a beer is just too heavy or honest, not good enough to justify the drink.  And since its rare that I can finish a bottle of wine in a weekend – I’ve been experimenting with making some fun cocktails and enjoying them out on the deck while the summer sticks around.  For the past few weeks I’ve been trying to teach myself to enjoy tequila – but this week, I’m giving that a break and thinking I may go for another one of these:


 A greyhound, with fresh squeezed grapefruit juice and vodka (although I have seen it made with gin).  Insanely refreshing (if you like grapefruit juice) and just a nice, easy to make, easy to drink kind of drink.  But then again, should I repeat or go for a new drink just for fun?

I’m a Rye girl through and through and still love my grapefruit juice – so this recipe caught my eye.

But then again, a greyhound can also be made with gin – and that got me thinkin’, it could be a dirty martini kind of night (double the olives, please!)

That just leaves me to figure out what the heck to make for dinner…I mean, chips and salsa doesn’t count…does it?


Happy Friday ya’ll! 🙂 Go make someone’s day


Dear Friday

February 1, 2013

I’ll see your frustrations and raise you a very deep long breath.  And a band-aid (don’t ask).

keep calm and breathe




Just popping in to say I hope you had a jolly good weekend. We got some gift shopping done, some wrapping and some diying. Not to mention a night out, a holiday party, work and football! I may not have gotten any legit workouts in as they’re typically defined, but I kept my food healthy and spent more than a few hours running around all weekend. I think that counts, legit or not 😉 Speaking of holiday parties, this was the first year I was invited to an at home work party. I took it as an opportunity to dress to the nines


I’m in love with these pants. I went for old Hollywood glamour. Oooh la la 🙂 Hope everyone else had a great weekend! Xo

This weekend I am looking forward to:

Catching up on some sleep I have somehow misplaced (although I’m feeling pretty good after an early bedtime, who would’ve guessed that?).

Coffee on the couch while snuggled up in my pjs still.


The chance for a trail ride with Brandon.

A glass of wine and homemade pizza tonight.


Dinner date at the Mt. Washington Tavern (Its BACK baby!).

Some down time which will include baking, crocheting and reading. 


Clearly I am in a good mood this morning.  I made it to the gym last night for some much needed cardio, and despite not having done anything specifically heart rate raising these past few weeks, it went well (A murder mystery on youtube via my phone didn’t hurt either 😉 )  Although, strangest thing – while at the gym, I watched a girl try to set up her laptop on the elliptical so that she could study while working out.  And while I say kudos to you for knocking two birds with one stone, print or write those notes out dear, because a gym is NO place for a laptop. 

I managed to sneak my butt out of bed and to the gym in time for a body pump class this morning after going to bed pretty early. I wasn’t too tired this morning when I woke up, so any excuse not to go was simply an outlet for laziness.  I did make a deal with myself though, since I did have things I wanted to get an early start on for work, I opted out of the last 20 minutes of the CXworx core class.  So I got to work a little early AND I still got in my strength training (which has definite elements of cardio).  I even came out with a new phrase “suck the muscle to the bone“.  Sounds so badass and yet, so inspiring.  So that’s my motto for the day.  🙂

Today I am thankful for the ladies that make it out to a 5:45 or 6 am or 7 pm class at the gym.  Because dang you are a great way to start or finish a day, despite all of the grumbling it takes for me to get there. 

Any phrases of inspiration for our readers out there to end their week with??

Time for a full day of work and home to a much earned glass o’ red.  🙂

Happy Friday and weekending my friends – I hope you have fun plans!
