Well, after feeling great about getting back on track, putting in a solid few weeks of consistent workouts, last week was a bit of a hiccup in the plans.  

For starters, let me just say – that having not been on a bike in over a year, hopping back on one to do 54 miles, for fun, is not anyone’s smartest idea ever.  Despite being a (relatively) enjoyable trip – my body all but revolted the following week (last week).  The thought of healthy food had me gagging and my legs were WRECKED.  I took an unheard of long long nap on Sunday and craved nothing but carbs for the next 5 days (trust me, no drool-worthy meal photos to be had).  Woof.  I managed to keep it within reason, but it was a nice little reminder that you can be healthy, but not always in shape. 

My week consisted of carb heavy meals, not a lot of greens, NO workouts whatsoever, save a few hour long walks on the treadmill while Brandon worked downstairs.  Nothing high intensity.  I kept to my decaf, but shunned water and drank more sodas after that bike ride than I have in months combined.  Throw in a small mental-funk and a solid attempt at getting lost in every book on my bookshelf, I made it through at least 5-6 before the week was done.  Yeah – it was one of those kind of weeks.  

In the end, I snapped myself out of it, taking a rare Friday off and spending all of it outside weeding and breaking down a HUGE pile of tree branches.  Which, is one sure fire way to get back on the water drinking track and sneak in a solid arm, back and leg workout.  Because I FELT it the next day.  But it was good – it was sunshine, it was me, myself and I and it was productivity.   I capped off the trend with another, SHORTER, bike ride, rounding it out at 20 miles total on the seat.   Our legs were still tired from the 54 mile excursion and we definitely felt the inclines, but it was another ride and worth getting outside before the rain storms.   

We also got started on painting our master bedroom this weekend (it was a pastel purple with pastel pink clouds…clouds people, pastel pink CLOUDS).  Its only primer right now, but again, its the steps forward that i’m trying to remember and not how many more we have to take before its finished (read: a LOT).  This weekend also brought a return to healthier cooking for me – we grilled up a lot of veggies and had it with some corn on the cob (yay summer!), I threw together a homemade stirfry with tofu, eggplant, mushrooms and kale topped with some liquid aminos and sriacha.  

It was a good weekend with just enough productivity to warrant the laziness we did indulge in.  Last night I opted to cut off all forms of self-pity and took advantage of getting home early to rock my to do list. Laundry, check.  Healthy homemade (AND SO GOOD) dinner, check, lifting workout and an evening walk to enjoy the amazing weather? CHECK.  I’m a little sore this morning, so I know I needed the workout and good kick in the butt.  

Last week may have been a few steps back – but big picture, I’m still taking steps forward.  


Last year, I made the “eh, why not” decision to switch to decaf.  I still loved coffee in the morning, but found I didnt need the caffeine.   To be honest, its probably one of the best and most obvious to me ways of cleaning up my diet.

Fast forward to today, due to a shortage of decaf k cups at Costco, Ive been easing my way back into regular coffee fornthe last month or two.  To be honest, the caffeine did nothing to help me wake up in the morning and I always felt a little twinge of guilt each time I took another sip.  But it was coffee and it was the morning and it was habit.


This morning though I discovered I has accidentally left my travel mug at work.  Which meant no coffee for me until I got in and could make myself a cup of the decaf I keep tucked away in the back of my drawer.  Part of me was super excited that i had a legitimate reason for switching back to decaf.  The other parts of me were simultaneously annoyed that I needed a reason to switch back and threatening to swing into our local coffee shop and grab a cup for the road.  Equally ridiculous.   Im glad to say it didnt happen, but 2 cups of decaf later, a few bottles of water and now this cup of tea, I am dragging and headachy and definitely foggy brained.  Its crazy how even though I feel like its done me no favors in helping me to wake up, that caffeine has certainly made itself known inbmy system.  
I know that there are camps on both sides of the argument for caffeine and is it good or bad.  Personally, for me, this morning has been a really good glimpse at how even a few months of something like caffeine can have an effect, even if we cant feel it until its gone.  There are better ways to wake myself up in the morning (juicing!!)  I just feel healthier and less bogged down without the caffeine.   So fingers crossed for a relatively smooth transition back to the decaf. 


Lesson Learned

July 15, 2013

Because my lunch plans fell through today and I was a little lax on the veggie intake this weekend (hello lazy summer), I opted to spice up my smoothie with a fresh chopped salad from work today.   Mistake.

I’ll be honest – I’m pretty spoiled these days when it comes to salads.  I love to make my own at home to bring in for lunch and they’re usually stuffed into a big container that I have to smoosh down to get the lid on.  I’m not shy about all of the fixings and have come to enjoy my salads with little to no dressing at all, especially depending on the ingredients.  So it was a bit of a shock when my salad came out looking like this:


Ugh – this thing was seriously swimming in the dressing.  You can hardly make out the different veggies in there. So gross.  I ate about 2 bites before I pushed it away.  I hate wasting food OR money, but this afternoon both were sacrificed in the name of a lesson well learned.

In the end – I went with my gut and nursed my green smoothie and bag of cherries for the early afternoon.

glug glug

glug glug

Both have kept me more than satisfied and will leave me with room for a fun grill-a-thon dinner tonight.  Which will include some fresh veggies not drowning in dressing – blecch.  Like I said – lesson seriously learned.


Its been…

July 12, 2013

4 months and 5 days since ive last felt any sort of urge to post.  Yikes. 

In the past year or so ive gotten married, honeymooned, battled some mental issues associated with a bout of bells palsy, walked away from a bad work environment into a much better but less stable work environment, spent countless hours and sleepless nights worrying about said less stable work environment, searched for, bought and moved into our first home, lost my dad to a seriously courageous battle with prostate cancer and finally solidified my job and last, obsessed over getting and subsequently walking away from an internship opportunity.

4 months and 5 days of emotional roller coasters and zero motivation to be in the kitchen or the gym.  But ive slowly started to make a turn for the better.  I finally feel like im starting to get back into a schedule groove with the new house, that actually includes some workouts.  A generous gift from a friend after watching Fat Sick and Nearly Dead means I am now the proud owner of a juicer (so so good), im trying mu best to not kill all of the green things that ive planted around my house, I survived another (mostly) vegan mid west vacation and ive been feeding (literally!) My motivation by rereading some of my favorite healthy living blogs and visiting healthy food stores a few times a month to restock and rekindle some excitement for food.


This weeks haul included some new Chia Pods, frozen fruit and pb2 for smoothies, almond milk greek yogurt (I dont like soy based yogurts, so this is a definite treat for me) and a few other goodies. 

Ive also been enjoying some experimental attitudes back in the kitchen.  Last night I went a little further than just sauteing our veggies for pasta and instead made a delicious garlic and rosemary olive oil by heating the three together before tossing some grape tomatoes, squash and zucchini in it to marinate before into the grill pan it went with some balsamic vinegar and white beans for a protein boost.  As a side I steamed some kale, but instead of my go to ume vinegar or franks hot sauce, I took it a fun step further and steamed carrots with the kale and tossed the two with a homemade maple cranberry pear vinagrette and some raw slivered almonds.   In the future I think itd make a really tasty fall holiday dish with some cranberries to offset the sweetness of the carrots and vinagrette.  


Although my plate consisted of all the kale and the veggie bean mix, I tossed in some whole wheat penne with the rest of the veggies for B.  Equally as tasty, but im always surprised at how full I am with just the veggies and not the pasta. 

So cheers to a fun filled weekend, a new breath of inspiration and a smile.  Time to go enjoy this rainy evening in sweats and a cup of tea. 
